2019 Partners

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Days for Girls

Days for Girls is an International (DfG) is a grassroots non-profit creating a more dignified, humane and sustainable world for girls through advocacy, reproductive health awareness, education and sustainable feminine hygiene.
This was our first fundraiser of the year where we raised almost $900 to make these sustainable kits for 89 girls and women.

In order to raise funds and awareness, we had a yoga event where 44 people came together to learn more and help this beautiful mission.

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Together We Rise

Together We Rise is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization comprised of motivated young adults and former foster youth. Their vision is to improve the lives of children in foster care by collaborating with individuals, companies and community partners to bring resources to foster youth.

This was another fundraiser for us and stole our hearts. Our community showed up BIG TIME for this event. We started with a goal of $700 to supply 28 “Sweet Cases” for children in foster care. Our community came together and raise $1,750 which in turn provided 70 Sweet Cases for kids in foster care.

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Free the Girls

Free the Girls is a nonprofit whose mission is to create a safe economic opportunity for victims of sex trafficking in El Salvado, Mozambique and Costa Rica. It allows women to walk in wholeness physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually after they have distanced themselves from their trafficker.

Our three goals for this event were to raise $1,500 for their mission, donate 500 bras and raise awareness in our community.

We raised over $1,500, donated 729 bras, and held a self-defense class for 30 people.

This event was one of our biggest events and the largest impact of our year.


Friends of the Verde River

Friends of the Verde River envisions a healthy, flowing Verde River and tributaries that support our natural environment, vibrant communities, and quality of life for future generations.

They hosted their annual Wil & Scenic Film Festival which are environmental and advet=nture films set to change your world.

With this event, we helped by volunteering our time up north to help their guests run their raffles and spread awareness about their film festival. We also got to see some of the films and they were amazing.


2018 Partners


2020 Partners